Thanks for the reply's as soon as I sent that I was swamped and couldn't really reply.

I have thrown my hat toward share, thanks for the suggestion.

Some good points, 10G is def the way we are going but with the number of lpars being thrust on us by the severe memory limitations we are concerned about the number of osa's required to meet our network configs.

The memory issue is our most pressing issue, with 4 current and 5 defined but not yet active prod lpars all at 256G we have major stress with this.

IBM needs to step up to a more definitive public road map for the z/VM operating system, with a multiple year outlook.

The instrumentation/management of scsi attached disk would be very welcome.

One area where I see no value is the use of Unified Resource Manager as long as it requires opening up access to the HMC.

Tools to provide cross system managment. (I know about SSI but that is so limited by 4 systems to be almost useless. and btw it is still unannounced)

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