Registration information is at _www.vmwowrkshop.org_ 
We've been posting options of hotels on the site and researching other  
options each week.
In a message dated 6/27/2011 1:16:33 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Bill, may I suggest trying to get a group rate for whatever  motel that you 
decide on?  You can then encourage everyone to stay there  to increase 
their opportunities to interact with each other.   

When I went to my first few workshops I stayed in motels  since GM was 
paying for it.  In those days the cheapest housing was in  the dorms, but I saw 
no need to stay there.  But I eventually realized  that many of the sharper 
folks stayed in the dorms even though their employers  would have paid for a 
motel.  The big reason?  The bull sessions  that went on until early 
morning.  So I wised up and began staying in the  dorms, too.  
With all due respect to the sessions and to the people who  speak, I found 
that much of the really valuable info I got was from informal  discussions 
at meals, breaks, and evening bull sessions as much as at the  sessions.
BTW, I haven't seen information about where and when we  register, get our 
name tags and polo shirts, etc,  Also, I didn't see any  info on when and 
where meals and snacks are  available versus when we are on our own.
Thanks, Bill.  I presume the whole crew of volunteers  are getting pretty 
frazzled as the Workshop start gets closer.  My  thanks and appreciation to 
Kent Taylor
----- Original Message -----  
From: _Bill  Munson_ (  
To: _ib...@listserv.uark.EDU_ (mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU)  
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: Last Workshop Re: VM Workshop - Session Grid Now  Available

There a $69 hotel listed. 
But there might be better choices. 
We  plan to work on that Monday. 

From: Jim Thomas []
Sent: 06/24/2011 09:18 PM EST
To: _ib...@listserv.uark.EDU_ (mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU) 
Subject: Re: Last Workshop Re: VM Workshop -  Session Grid Now  Available

Pardon  me … ‘Campus Hotel’ ??. I did not see that on the list. 
I’ve  sent in my registration and fees already … I have not decided if  I’
drive,  ride (motorcycle) or fly to Ohio just yet but have been looking for 
>From  the ‘vmworkshop’ website, I see that the Blackwell is the closest   
but  also a bit more expensive. I also found the ‘Days Inn Columbus  
being  the cheapest. I have not contacted either but … am now curious about 
the  ‘Campus Hotel’ you’ve mentioned.  
Do  any / all of these hotel’s have smoking rooms ??.  
Any  advise and or direction from people that know the area and or  are, 
currently  involved w/VM would be appreciated.   
I  have not touched VM since the early ESA days but now want to learn  more 
about  both, VM and z/Linux.  
Please  acknowledge and advise.  
Kind  Regards 
Jim  Thomas 
617-233-4130                                  (mobile) 
636-294-1014                                         (res)  (Email)
<major  snippage?

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