On Wednesday, 07/20/2011 at 03:18 EDT, Ewald Roller 
<e.rol...@rolf-benz.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried so setup a new SMTP-Server on z/VM 5.4.
> I want to remove the seperate TCPIP DATA on SMTPs 191
> (w/o DNS) and use the Parameter IPMAILERADDRESS instead
> to forward all mails to our exchange-server:
> This doesn't work, the SMTP Consolelog shows
> IP Mailer Address/Hostname     :
> IP Mailer ALL enabled          : No
> Searching the archives, I noticed, that this problem should have been
> solved since z/VM 5.2 .
> What do I miss ??

Something strange.  EndIPMailerAddress is only for IPMailerAddress [ALL] 
LIST.  You should be getting a syntax error on SMTP's console and he 
shouldn't be starting.  I get
DTCRUN1011I Running server command: SMTP
DTCRUN1011I No parameters in use
DTCSMT1032E Unrecognized configuration file statement ENDIPMAILERADDRESS 
on line 386
DTCRUN1014I Server ended normally at 10:45:55 on 21 Jul 2011 (Thursday)

When I remove the EndIPMailerAddress, it starts find and I have "ALL 
Enabled  : Yes".

Alan Altmark

Senior Managing z/VM and Linux Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
mobile; 607.321.7556
IBM Endicott

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