
I got no startup errors in the SMTP Log.

I tried the statement as you have advised:


same result. See part of the log below.

I only restarted the SMTP-Server. 
Should I also restart the associated TCP/IP stack ?

Kind regards
Ewald Roller

DTCRUN1022I Console log will be sent to default owner ID: TCPMAINT
DTCRUN1027I Server will use TcpipUserid TCPIP02         
DTCRUN1011I Server started at 17:01:36 on 21 Jul 2011 (Thursday)  
DTCRUN1011I Running server command: SMTP           
DTCRUN1011I No parameters in use              
IBM VM SMTP Level 540 on Thu, 21 Jul 2011 17:01:36 UTC       
Service Level                  : PK75688           
Userid of SMTP Virtual Machine : SMTP02            
TCP Host Name                  : ZVM02            
TCP Network Domain Name        : ROLF-BENZ.DE          
Gateway TCP Network to RSCS    : No             
Port for Server SMTP           : 25             
Mail Hop Count                 : 25             
Number of files per connection : 5             
Maximum connections per site   : 10     
Return mail older than         : 3 days            
Warn about mail older than     : 1 days            
Max Length of Accepted Mail    : 524288 bytes          
Max Temporary Error Retries    : Disabled           
Name Resolution Method         : Nameserver, Port 53       
Secondary Name Resolution      : NONE            
Nameserver Address(.1.)        : a.b.c.d
Deliver via Mailer             : None        
IP Mailer Address/Hostname     : 
IP Mailer ALL enabled          : No          

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