Here in Iceland a 13.1 (133 cm) horse is really small I can hardly sell it
I have 3 mare´s in this Height Þeysa Vordís and 
Romsa ,mostly my horses is around 13.3but there 
are breeders around me that has the medium size 
in the herd around 13.4. My herd is considired 
like medium-small horses by other icelanders.
I have never seen a 12 Icelandic horse and what then a 11.3!
they are breeding for bigger horses a stallion 
that are 13.2 (136 cm ) will not become very popular here
as Illingur fra Toftum for an example "He´s a cat " they say.
I breed with him any way he´has good bone´s and 
nice five gaits and good building.
the market ask´s for horses from 13.3 to 14 
especially the Germans at least 14........

Ok I try breed as big horses I can,but it´s not 
that I use a big stallion instead of smaller one just because of height.
I don´t want a "toothpick horse" as I call them these with tiny bone´s.
And it has also to do with what you feed your 
young stock if they don´t get enough they wont grow big of course so......

Regards Malin In sunny Iceland with little snow

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