> Anyone doing Parelli games notice their Icelandics react differently
> than the 'big' horses most Parelli students play with?
> Orri is reacting very well to all the games when I use my hands--it's
> just the stick when
> I want to play Friendly with it that he gets all bothered.
> I hope I'm not messing him up.
> V

We haven't done any official parelli games with Dagur but your
experience with Orri reminds me so much of Dagur that it's uncanny.

I think with Orri, he's just being overfaced a bit.  Back off, and go
back to something that he's comfortable with ... even if it's the most
mundane thing.  I think what worked with Dagur was that he needed to
increase his confidence in us.  Plus when I look back now, Dagur was
just to immature emotionally to move forward.  The extra year we gave
him due to other things going on that gave us no time for training was
a blessing for him.

Just keep puttering away with Orri, leave things for a few days and
then go back to something that was comfortable for him.

Oh  ... we also clicker train with Dagur and that instant reassurance
seems to help his confidence.

Just my two cents on what worked by Dagur...


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