On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 09:03:12AM -0400, Karen Thomas wrote:
> >>> your horse is VERY flattering ;)
> Thanks.  He's beautiful, a flashy color, but that's the least of his
> attraction to me.  He's the whole package - brains, calmness, bravery, good
> conformation, good-natured and sweet, sure-footedness, and about the easiest
> gaits I've ever ridden on any gaited horse.  

i think the good conformation and the sweetness/connection to you came
through in that picture.  lovely :)

> small-framed - I'd never claim for him to be suitable for an over 200-pound
> rider to ride all day, but he might surprise me.  I have been quite relieved
> to see that his babies have not been small.   He's the perfect size for me -
> I swear he fits me better than any horse I've ever ridden.

*laughs* my stjarni is 14hh and built like a bull and can carry nearly
anyone, i think.  i thought icelanders would look at the pair of us (i'm 
5'1" and maybe 110#) and think i was incredibly overmounted, but i said
as much to gudmar (a 6' or so fellow riding a maybe 12.3 horse at the
time) and he just looked incredulous, and said very precisely, "you're a
good match because you like each other."  i wish more americans thought
that way!
the only other icelandic i seriously considered in my search was 12.2,
light-framed, and (when we were trying him) took a 2' crossrail bareback
with my 200# friend on without turning a hair.  she loved him just about
as much as i did, although i'm not sure he could have carried her all
day; he was certainly comfortable enough to be happy to try for half an
hour.  color?  red chestnut.  i thought he was beautiful.  (though then
again i'm not breeding, i really really don't care about color, and i'm
glad stjarni's "only" chestnut/flaxen b/c if he were some more popular
color he'd probably have sold before i got my paws on him :)


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