>> One young lady from Iceland is currently writing to me with the
>> impression that the Icelandics are the strongest horses in the world....
>> because Monty Roberts said to her "The Icelandic horse is very small, but
>> he is so strong".
> And when is it that Monty Roberts became an expert on Icelandic horses?

I don't know of any study that has been done to verify how much Icelandics 
can or cannot carry (or pull... there is the rumor that they can pull 1.6 
times their weight, or 1.6 times what other breeds can pull, which I 
seriously doubt the second part).

I think I could probably pull 1.7 times my weight... does that make me 
stronger than an Icelandic?  I'm pretty sure that horses who pull carts, 
pull more than 1.6 times their weight.

Back to Monty Roberts... he's invited to Iceland; he sees that they have a 
lot of pride in their horses; they say "these are strong horses", and he 
agrees with them by saying "The Icelandic horse is very small, but he is so 

What else could he do?  It's the PC thing to do / say, isn't it?

Is he going to say, "Well, maybe, but not as strong as Quarter Horses or 

Does that mean the Icelandic is stronger than any other horse?  or any other 
pony?  Is a Welsh pony strong?  Is a Shetland strong?

I think all horses are strong.


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