On 6/29/07, susan cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It means you have a very talanted horse, and if you
> want her to be consistant in a gait, you need to learn
> to be consistant, too.

That makes sense, but I didn't think I did very much different while
Gat was changing her gaits, so maybe my changes were more reactions
that I didn't notice.  I need to practice more to get a feel for
what's happening.

>Now, I've heard about some of
> your lessons with your coach, and I'm not trying to be
> mean here, but I really don't think that person is the
> one who is capable of helping you sort out the gaits
> and figure out how to cue for each one and become
> consistant in one gait.

Gat is boarded at a hunter/jumper barn and the coaches there don't
work with gaited horses and never seem to know anything when I discuss
gaits--they just encourage us to keep Gat in w/t/c, and that's fine
for Alex's lessons, but I want to learn more about gaits.

>Does your digital camera have
> video capabilities?  If so, get some videos and upload
> them to You-Tube.

Yes--I'll have to try that.
> Oh, do you have Lee Ziegler's "Easy-Gaited Horses"?
> If not, buy it today!

I do have it, and I confess that I look at it once in while, get confused. :D

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