Karen, since I am rather new to the list, would you say again why Loftur is
less stiff now?  Did you find a way to relieve his pain?  His stiffness?

Twist, the off-track Standardbred paced at the track, wearing the
traditional track hobbles to enfore the pace.  He has a very straight hind
leg conformation, probably is genetically wired to pace, but he wants to
please and does have a decent trot.  He will default to  hard pace under
several situations (in harness, in the ring with another horse, when sore).

Suggestions for helping him relax?

Watching her in the round pen, I noticed our friends' Icelandic moves more
stiffly than mine do, but the Mom in the family couldn't even get her to
turn to the right.  I suspect this is more a resistance than an inate
physical thing.  I could get her to turn by being sure she was moving
actively forward when I asked, but she felt stiff and inflexible.  Gait
(whatever it was) was very easy.


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