On 7/31/07, Lorraine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love Dagur but he has one fault.  He is so barn
> sour.  It is a battle to ride him from the corral.  I
> have never had that problem before.  Even with horses
> I have gotten from other states.  Any help?  Please
> don't critisize.  A couple of times that I have asked
> for advice I have gotten negative feedback..  Let me
> tell you it does not help.  Thanks.  Lorraine
>  Happy Trails from Lori

i have this problem too but only at home.  We go off from home on a
ride and they seem fine.  It helps me to take them for a long walk
down the road, on a lead.  Also I will ride them circling the yard and
making the circle bigger and bigger as they relax until they are out
of sight of their paddocks and then we go out the gate a little, back
in, each time going further.  Someone on here one time said they stash
treats along the route and stop and let the horse find it.  I thought
that sounded like a cool idea...
yipie tie yie yo

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