On 31/07/07, Lorraine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love Dagur but he has one fault.  He is so barn
> sour.  It is a battle to ride him from the corral.  I
> have never had that problem before.

Hi Lori, if it were me dealing with this and I have no experience with
a barn sour horse (touching toe to wood as I say this)...but logically
thinking it through I think I would walk out first by myself and place
his favorite treat at strategic locations along the trail.  Then I
would hand walk him along the trail and guide him to discovering the
treats.  When I had hand walked him in this manner enough that I could
tell he was anticipating the treat, then I would get on and ride him
at that point.  Then down the line, if he felt he needed a treat at a
certain point, I'd treat him from the saddle and continue on our

When training who ever around here, what ever 'battle' I see coming I
try to divert their attention to something else...make everything a
non-issue, and make life fun for both of you.

What ever you decide to do...tell us what you did and whether it worked or not.


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