On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 08:26:30PM -0700, Judy Ryder wrote:
> I have to trust my own eyes, my own first-hand experiences, and my long-term 
> equine experience, over yours.  Sorry.

and i have to trust mine over yours.  sorry.
> I'm not so sure that a beginner and new owner can see other than a 
> superficial layer.

i'm neither a beginner horsewoman nor, after a year, a new owner.  my
experience is more current than yours; i speak, on average, to two
icelanders (ebba in person and another friend/colleague over the net)
every week.
> Especially when that person is vested in who they are expressing an opinion 
> about.

and how exactly am i vested in either of them?  one i bought a horse
from a year ago; the other is my current choice (among some arbitrary 
number available; i've had half a dozen others) of instructors.
> But... tell me HOW you see that they are different than any other 
> icelandic-style trainer in how they train and ride.

they fail to conform to your script:
  . tack -- both are concerned with saddle fit, use snaffles, 
    and don't use tight nosebands

  . riding -- both are "quiet" riders as i've seen them in real life

  . priorities -- both prioritize, or at least support me in
    prioritizing, a quiet, sane horse, not a hypersensitive one
    (and if you insist that gudmar must prioritize the latter b/c 
    of the horses you see him on in videos, i should point out that
    he *trained* stjarni, and several of the horses for sale on his
    site are described in similar "calm, anyone can ride" terms --
    and because i have stjarni as an example, i find this claim entirely

  . preference for a "centered riding"-type seat for the rider

  . emphasizing flexibility and suppleness for the horse

  . concern for the horse as a living, sensitive, emotional creature

in fact i've never met any icelanders who *do* conform to your script,
although i am polite enough to presume you're not making it up out of
whole cloth and video, as representative of your average horseperson 
from iceland as a rodeo show would be of your average american.


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