On Mon, Sep 03, 2007 at 10:55:12AM -0600, Robyn Schulze wrote:
> And I've
> > heard so many people say that when they owned horses that they boarded, they
> > had a whole 'nuther wave of being a newbie to go through once they brought
> > their horse home.  Dealing with ALL the decisions of horse ownership often
> > doesn't hit home until you are forced to make ALL of the decisions.
> EXACTLY! Boarding vs. keeping a horse at your own place are two
> entirely different ownership issues.

*shrug* i've done both; i was in 4-h horse project as a kid with a horse
in my back yard, and i board stjarni.  the backyard version was more
labor-intensive, but also easier in a way, in that i had constant
awareness of what was going on, none of the "your horse is lame" notes
left on the whiteboard, or not knowing where my horse has been turned 
out or with whom, or any of the other irritations that come with boarding.

(that said, i should mention that i really like my current barn and
think very highly of the barn owner; it's just the way boarding is.)


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