> The greater question I have is-- WHY was the man going into caves
> collecting bat poop?!  I hope it was for some scientific
> research..otherwise, I can't figure out why he would be doing that.

This man was here illegally from Mexico!  He entered the caves
illegally too!  That is why it took so long to figure out what was
wrong with him.  Rabies is very rare!!..He could have had an open
wound or inhaled it into his lungs.  He died about 4 or 5 years ago
at Hazel Hawkins Hospital, Hollister CA.  Look that up if you like.
Ask one of the doctor there.  Nobody will ever forget him.  I
started working there right after he died and I heard all about it.
Hey, they had to chop off his head and send it to a special place to
be studied.
I am a Registered Nurse.
Do not believe everything you read on the CDC....Like Hep B vaccines
for newborns!!!! Bird Flu...  I know a very old healthy lady
(88years) that got very sick from her flu shot and died.
If you don't want the flu, wash your hands and stay away from sick
people and crowds....I really liked this lady.   She was very sweet.
I can pick the crap on the CDC apart... Some stuff is good, some is
just politically correct so not to hurt feelings.  TB, Hep,
P.S...I have a bat house too.  I never got any bats in it, just a

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