>>>> This man was here illegally from Mexico!  He entered the caves
illegally too!

And his immigration status would change the facts of how rabies is
transmitted?   That sounds like some ethnic hysteria to me.

>>>> I am a Registered Nurse.  Do not believe everything you read on the

And I suppose we should instead believe something this vague reported by
e-mail by someone who claims to be a nurse?  Sorry, it takes MUCH more than
being a registered nurse to qualify one as an expert on rabies. Most nurses
don't have any experience with the disease.  When we were involved in our
case last year, even DOCTORS and VETS weren't promoting themselves as
experts on rabies - because most aren't.  I'm also sorry, I cannot let you
say "don't believe everything you read on the CDC site" lightly.   Rabies is
a much-studied disease - the vaccine is one of the most effective, possibly
THE most effective, vaccine ever developed.   Some vague story about an
"illegal alien" entering caves to collect bat poop is not impressive
compared to the scientific facts surrounding the study of rabies.  Why on
earth would the CDC have any agenda to be less than forthcoming on this
issue?  And, more directly, why have the vaccines and quarantines have
proved SO effective at stopping the spread of the disease?

I don't take this one lightly.  I've been through rabies quarantine and I
dealt with the CDC and several Health Departments. Please don't repeat
vague, inaccurate stories on such a serious topic.

Karen Thomas, NC

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