>>>>Now that Sally is a farrier, if someone calls for work...I ask them what
disipline of riding do you do with your horse.  That is more
important.....not bnecause we would do something weird or different, but
because we do not carry shoes for Sliding....or TB race
plates...we carry a range of products, but I would not want to show up at a
place only to find we do not carry that...nor is it where we
want to go in our buisness......

But what you describe is nothing related to the BREED the horse is, but is
about the way the horse is USED.   And one might also say that the
disciplines you mention are not exactly normal, everyday pursuits for
average owners.  And, that the only reason those horses might (and I
emphasize MIGHT) need different shoes, is because they are being used in
relatively extreme ways...

My question initially was to bring attention to a statement that bothers
me....that somehow Icelandic's need "special farriers."  I think the
original quote was simply from Nancy, answering some question about farriers
with "Icelandic experience" in a certain area.   I didn't get the impression
that Nancy was promoting special farriers for Icelandic's, so don't think
I'm picking on you, Nancy.  I'm not.  I thought we were mostly past the
belief that somehow, Icelandic's need "special" trims and special shoes just
because they are Icelandic's, but the sight of that long hoof at the recent
World Championships, the one with the hunk ripped out, makes me think we
need to restate it all along.

We don't need farriers with "Icelandic experience", whatever that means.  We
need good, educated farriers with "GOOD experience", who are concerned with
the horse's long-term soundness and conformation - just like we need for any
of our horses.

Karen Thomas, NC

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