I had a lesson on my horse Blessi today.  He was in a low energy, 
very mellow, but extremely responsive mood.  It was such a lovely 
lesson as he responded to every indirect rein, shift of weight, etc. 
It is amazing how much we have learned in the past year.  As a 
beginning rider, Blessi used to tune out a lot of my rein and seat 
info since it was meaningless--loss of balance, too much rein, too 
little rein, etc., and try to figure out what I really wanted.  Now 
my seat, reins, and legs are a little more coordinated and we are 
really tuning in. 

Blessi will be Blessi.  The instructor was having us practice leg 
yields.  She complemented us on how floaty and soft Blessi was during 
our third try at the leg yield. I had to laugh and confess that 
Blessi had figured out that as we came round the corner and went down 
the side about 2/3s of the way across the arena, we were going to do 
a leg yield.  And he did a perfect leg yield with no help from me.  
But it felt so good today when Blessi was working with me on such 
soft commands.

About 2 years ago, Blessi and I worked on the "Unwrap the Pony" 
or  "Spin the Pony"--I forget what it is officially called but Judy 
mentioned in a posting last week. We got the original exercise off of 
Judy's site even though we were not a member at the time.

The exercise was really good since it:
- got the horse responsive to indirect pressure
- suppled the horse
- got the horse used to having the rope around his hocks and/or butt
- involved lots of carrots
- enabled the horse to figure something out
- seemed to help with polite behavior when leading the horse through 
- entertains/impresses visitors when you show them how your horse can 
spin or unwrap himself

Blessi really liked this exercise.  In the past year, I have been 
focusing on improving my riding skills--just working up to a trot and 
some other basics.  I would like to do more ground exercises since 
Blessi gets such a kick out of them.  

A question to the group:  What additional exercises can you recommend 
that we can work on?  

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