I have an old wide tree thorowgood dressage saddle I put on Nasi
loosely (doesnt matter if it doesnt fit cause he's not being ridden)
and we go for long walks like walking a dog, we go up and down sand
piles, into the creek, over the bridges.  normal trail obstacles.  I
sense he looks forward to it!  he really enjoys being out and seeing
new things.  I even put Tivars sidepull on him a couple of times.

One thing I am planning---  just circumstances have it that he is
never trailered except for something he might not find pleasant, to
the vet mainly.  last time I tried to load him he was hesitant, altho
recently I had the horses out in front and left the trailer open and
there was a little Nasi sized "gift" left in there so he is not afraid
of the trailer, just getting to where he dreads being hauled cause its
never fun.

So I am planning to take him to the arena tomorrow along with
stonewall and let nasi get attention from pretty young girls.  He
likes that.
yipie tie yie yo

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