On 11/1/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> having gates and alleyways so you can close them off and move the
> tractor or other vehicles in and out and not have to worry about
> horses getting out.

That is good to know--I never would've thought of it.

>  I also caught nasi eating cat LITTER
> once.??  he had just busted the bag open and was standing there with
> those little menthol clay jibbles (refreshed with every step!" all
> over his muzzle and whiskers.  Like "Me?  Who me??  I would neverrrrr
> get into the cat litter..."


> If you are on well water, it should have been in your contract to buy
> that a water test be performed but if it wasnt its usually no more
> than fifty bucks or so.  have it tested for heavy metals, pesticides,
> and herbicides, and minerals.

Yes, we had our water tested and it's good.  Our future barn is quite
a bit away from the house.  Do you think it would be more economical
to run pipes or drill a new well at the barn?

> vaccinate for rabies if you havent already.

Done.  Have West Nile too.  Plus a bunch of other  ones--maybe some I
won't need once they're out of a boarding barn?

> make sure you have your system of feeding them where you dont have to
> go in with them.  Just pour over the fence or whatever.



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