--- Lorraine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Have you ever been nervous because the last horse
> you
> owned was spooky?  How do you get over it????<<

Wow, Lorraine, that describes me and my TWH mare,
Raven!  She does these great 180* spins that used to
leave me in the dust.  Boy, did she do a number on my
confidence.  So for almost a year, I rode my dead
broke, yet fun Icelandic cross mare, Foxi, then got up
the nerve to start taking lessons on Raven.  The
lessons (a year's worth - 2 X's a month) got my
confience back, then I had Whisper trained and she is
not spooky, but does have issues with backing up into
whatever is back there when she doesn't want to go
forward first or alone.  Now I have steady eddie,
Andi, who with only 30 days of professional training,
is very trustworthy with us alone on the trail
together.  I understand Raven better, and will ride
her on the trail, but only with a lead horse.  

I guess the key to get over confidence issues on a
particular horse is to take lessons on that horse in a
safe environment first with a knowledgable instructor.
 Take your trail rides on a horse who is more

Susan in NV   
  Nevermore Ranch http://users.oasisol.com/nevermore/

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