On 11/14/07, Lorraine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why do YOU think he gets pissy?
> Well.  I hardly rode him all summer.  too hot.  I
> could just tell he didn't want to go out.  There was a
> person on a bucking horse nearby.
>   But yesterday.  We had the perfect ride.  We were
> both relaxed.  It was awesome.  Yeah!!!!
>  Lorraine

Tivar used to be pissy a lot and I just grew to accept he was an old
grump.  Then gee to my surprise he got less pissy as time went by and
I learned to listen and he learned to express things the way I needed
to hear them.  (stressing here its different for every person and
THEIR horse)

I dont know how it began to change but he just got mellower and
mellower, I think he was beginning to understand I wasnt a mean person
and that he was rude for no reason.  I am very very clumsy and gimpy,
I have had knee surgery as a result of a bad car accident when I was
30 and now arthritis from it.  I cant get on and off a horse without
wallowing around up there forever, especially dismounting. At first
that drove him NUTS.  He would give me a normal amount of time to
swing down and when i didnt get very aggravated and start wringing his
tail and walking off.  But now he stands quietly, i think he just
began to realize hey, why she does that I dont know, but what the heck
if it floats her boat...  instead of "I wish this crazy ol bat would
learn how to get off a horse the right WAY"

.yipie tie yie yo

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