On 11/18/07, Penelope Hodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 the incidence of
> adverse events vs the benefit of the vaccine you would come up with a
> different outlook.

haha, ohhhh yeah, adverse events vs benefits is something I am a
believer in!   if one of my horses dies of a bad reaction to a shot
that would be horrible terrible, heartbreaking.  But you havent lived
til the USDA, health department, and several vets are in your pasture
at 9 PM with spotlights and powertools cutting your horse's brain
out...  when a little 14 dollar shot woulda fixed it...  all my little
nehoews exposed, students working for the summer at the vet exposed,
the 10,000 dollar shot series for post exposure...  oh yeah.  why do
you need all those pesky little vaccinations...  all I gotta say is
dont try and sell your potential heartbreak to any decent people...
yipie tie yie yo

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