guys. I don't know why some of you are picking on Debbie.  I
feel that way, so I wonder how she must be feeling.

I have know Debbier ...for many, many years...seems like forever. And
the whole time I have known Debbie...she has been a barefooter. Sure,
off and on over they years, she has mentioned barefooting to me, but
NOT ONCE...did she shove it down my throat or tell me that I was a bad
horse owner for shoeing my horses.

In fact...Debbie has always supported my decision to shoe my horses,
knowing that I was making the best decision that I could make...for MY

During this past I was transitioning Huginn from shoes to
barefooting, she supported me and gave me a ton of help. Sure...I
don't do it the way she does it..but she still supports me.  And I
know that if I decide to show Huginn, she would give me "the look"
...but she would support my decision.

Please believe me when I say...I have met "Barefooting Fanatics" and
Debbie is not one of them!!  She will still ride with you...even when
you shoe your horse!   Barefoot fanatics will not.

Geez...guys...let's be nice to each other. Please.

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

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