>>>>> The icelandic-style training would be one color, and have
variations, going to each side on the color line.  Say
icelandic-style training was the color green.   The variations might
bleed a little into blue or yellow, but basically it stays about in
the same area and doesn't reach a full rainbow of colors.

Good analogy Judy...and I feel that no one style of training would
reach the whole rainbow of colors, which is good, because as we all
know some styles just do not fit the rider or horse.

However I was thinking that there is such a big difference between
the Icelandic Farmer who breeds a little and trains his own horse for
rounding up sheep or for pleasure, vs. the big farms like Feti that
breed and train specifically for competition and for evauluations. 
The difference between those 2 farms is huge.....

And yes they do use similar tack.

What Iceland has is a very unique way of training, since they have
been so isolated, and no one can import any horse there.....doubtful
that barrel racing QH 'si s going to take off there like it has in
Germany these past few years......

I just see their unique way of doing things as more information to
use in my bag of tricks.....but really no matter what disipline and
way of training, Natural methods are really the key, and I am not
convinced that any of these NH trainers have anything really
different from the other except for better marketing and good looking
people on horseback that people can relate to, or want to relate to.

Its interesting as I have people ask me all the time about needing a
trainer.  My first question is what type of training do you want. 
What is it you want your horses trained for.  People have this weird
idea that a trainer is a trainer.  Some people want to go to the best
trainer, who happens to have  a waiting list of over 2 years...but he
is the best trainer for QH reining horses, for Furturity horses.  
Not for trail horses, not dressage...but since he has a good rep,
they want their backyard breed horse to go to this guy who would
never even consider to take in the horse for training.  

Every trainer is different, and will handle things differently.  What
I want is a trainer who does not want to esculate any problems, but
want to figure out what the horse needs and try to address the issue
and help the horse not to have the worry.  I want a happy horse...and
any label you look at will not tell you those things weather it is
NH, Icelandic, dressage or whatever.


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

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