> Have you ridden many imported horses?  If so did you find them all
overly reactive to your leg?  I would guess that from how you ride
most of them would not be a problem for you but I don't know your
> Robyn

I know this question was not directed at me, but I will answer it,
for myself.

I have only ridden 7 imported horses from Iceland, so I have no where
near the experience that Robin has.

But it is interesting, out of the 7, 3 are sensitive, 3 are not, and
1 was what I would call medium.  Now one of these is a world champion
flying pace winner, one would think he was very sensitive, and if you
did you would be wrong.  He is very educated...if you make a mistake
he does not respond to it at all...he only responds to the correct
cues...which is great because wow, he can move out at an instant with
the correct cue.

I think its more than just training, I think its the individual horse
as well...a mix of genetics and environment.  (training)


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

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