On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 08:49:33 -0800, you wrote:

>So, the question:  is there a breed of chicken that produces as well as the 
>leghorn, but lays the brown eggs that people love so much?

Speckledys and Welsummers lay around 280 - 300 eggs per year that are
dark chocolate brown.

Black rocks lay around 320 eggs per year and have slightly lighter

People here love the eggs from my Cream Legbars (blue eggs) and
Barnewelders (pinky brown) as well as my Welsummer x Araucanas (green
eggs) but none of them are such prolific layers.


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs: 

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