On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 21:04:17 -0800, you wrote:

>For those who use bits with their IceHorses, which bit do you use

I have an assortment but my favourite (and one which nearly all the
horses love) is a KK aurigan snaffle, 3 piece French link with a
"peanut" in the middle.

Others I use sometimes:

Myler comfort snaffle (horses either love it or hate it)
Straight rubber coated unjointed snaffle (OK for ones with bigger
Sweet iron French link snaffle with a copper middle (most love it)
Kimblewick (I had one horse who preferred this to any other bit, but I
haven't used it since he died)
Full cheek French link

Plus a Lindell sidepull, Parelli hackamore, Dr Cook etc etc.


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs: 

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