> She is learning to sit quietly on my lap while I'm puttering at my computer.

Not me, I love puppy pictures... Lacy, our newest member is now 6
months old, she was SO HARD To Potty Train, oh my goodness... I could
not believe it, her half brother was so easy.....Shorty, is 18 months
old and really does NO WRONG, then we got Lacy, She is a handful...
but, I think I finally have her 98% housetrained, Actually Dan did it,
cause He can tell when she has to go, better then I do... She does
this little dance, back and forth, and now, I can hear it and tell....

One thing I have learned over the years, is, some dogs, not all, but
some dogs, Pee to GO OUT... They get confused and think that if I pee,
then they let me out... I have had 3 dogs over the years like that...
with them, I put them in the crate when they PEE in the house, then
after a few minutes, of them sitting there being quiet, I let them
outside... Lacy was one of them, so, at about 3 or 4 months, I tried
that with her...

Little ones like yours, well, ya just go out a lot, I also say,
"Better go now!"  because this then becomes a Pee Command later

How about the name Rain, what a little doll she is...
I and my horses love our track system, take a look~~~

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