On Jan 19, 2008, at 12:29 PM, Laree Shulman wrote:

> On Jan 19, 2008 11:43 AM, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How does this horse look:
>> http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZEXbSiZRm0U

> Just a few thoughts -
> The horse constantly was fussing with the bit - first thing I would do
> is take off those draw reins and get that bit out of his mouth - just
> basics to me

The bit might not be so bad, but the draw reins definitely are -- 
especially if that's a Peruvian bit he's using.

>> From the rear you could easily see the front legs winging - I think
> from exxagerated front leg lift

The "winging" is the remnant of the Peruvian termino and  If they took 
those boots off him and freed up his head he would be able to do the 
swimming motion from his shoulder like he was bred to do.  Instead he's 
just wrapped up tight.

Lynn Kinsky, Santa Ynez, CA

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