>   We got home with our new daughter  in June and she hails from Kunming 
> China.    She turns 4 next month.     >
>    Charlotte  was born with a right leg and foot deformity and had surgery 
> late in November to amputate her foot so that she could be fitted with a 
> prosthesis below the knee to even her leg lengths out -- she had about a 
> 3-4" discrepency between them..   She's doing great on her new leg --  
> walking without a limp,  running, climbing, standing tall!

How very cool!  Is she a Shiner's Hospital patient?  I'll bet she's 
gorgeous - can't wait for pictures.

We are also an adoptive family.  We have three birth children - all grown up 
with families of their own.  Our first two adopted sons came over in 1975 or 
maybe it was 1976 in Operation Babylift from Viet Nam.  They were 8 and 13. 
Many years later, after the first five had grown up and left home, we 
started over again and adoped Brenda in Mexico, Ronnie (African American) in 
the US, Stephanie (blue-eyed blond) in the US and took Jenny (El 
Salvadoran/Mexican) also from the US as a permanent foster child.  All four 
of the home kids have cerebral palsy.  We have spent lots of time with the 
good folks at Shriner's.  They are now 22, 15, 14 and 19 but only Stephanie 
will ever be able to live independently.

With 9 kids, I sometimes tell people there's a reason I took up distance 


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