>>>>I was just talking to Dan, we have 12 feet in some areas, 15 feet in 
>>>>other areas, and 20 the rest of the areas, then I have a couple wider 
>>>>areas... with the 5 horses on maybe 2 acres of pasture, I am not mowing 
>>>>much at all, they eat it down very quicly, I do have to mow,  drag, tend 
>>>>to the POOP areas though...

What are you using for fence: posts and wire/tape/boards?  I'm having 
trouble visualizing how you can make a fence easy to move, yet make sure 
it's secure enough to be safe.  Fences that curve (as in an oval) tend to be 
less stable than fences with square corners, and if the fence sags, that's 
really dangerous - ESPECIALLY in such small areas.  Yet, if you put in posts 
secure enough to hold up fencing on an oval, seems like it would be a hassle 
to move.

If the goal is to keep the horses fit, I'd rather do it by riding than by 
spending all my time moving fence...?

Karen Thomas, NC

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