I know some sweet pasos and some sweet arabs, but overall, generally,
when trail riding, oh my gosh, i just move to the side when they blow
through :)  I know this one arab, oh my gosh, she is so prescious.
She got a crush on jaspar one time and would practically knock other
horses out of the way and come jigging sideways to reach and touch her
nose to jaspar's cheek.  over and over.  It was so cute!  I just love
her.  But one time she got hurt and was limping but turned out ok,
because she went flying to jump a stream, the rider said no, she
sploosh fell in and instead of listening started thrashing and lunged
out, (she coulda turned right and simply walked out) and hurt
something so she limped.  I know thats an isolated incident and there
are always lots and lots of mitigating factors.  but honestly I am
always a little puzzled when people say they arent hot cause to me its
just a fact.  Even tho, like you say, I know one that is absolutely
dead calm...

But if you judge an animals intelligence by playfulness, which I have
heard is one thing behaviorlists look at, then I would have to say the
smartest horse I ever saw was arabian because she would play fetch
with herself and her jolly ball, would throw it in the air, chase it,
kick it, playing soccer with it.  amazing.  But the lady who owned her
broke some bones now and then riding her.

is there any breed everyone would agree is high strung?  How about
saddlebreds?  To me they are firebreathing hyped.

now we will hear from all those owning deadhead saddlebreds :)

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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