On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Wanda Lauscher wrote:

> On 13/03/2008, Lynn Kinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Despite them calling themselves Paso Largo Farm that stallion is doing
>> a classical fino, or fino-fino gait (and not that well IMO -- there
>> should be more hock action and the timing should be absolutely
>> isochronal 4-beat).
> Could his front feet have been weighted?  His front feet looked
> awfully large, I couldn't determine what was on them....
> If they were weighted, that would throw the timing off.

The feet look normal and what seems out of time is the rear feet.  Paso 
Finos are allowed to show in keg shoes weighing no more than ten 

If a horse is shown unshod, hooves will be neatly trimmed to a short 
natural length, not to
exceed four (4) inches. If a horse is shown shod, the length of the 
hooves is not to exceed
four and one half (4 1/2) inches, including shoes. All four (4) feet 
must be shod with flat
shoes that do not affect the way a horse travels or how a foot breaks 
over. All four (4) feet
must have the same type of shoe of the same material, weight, and 
thickness although front
and back hooves may be shod in different sizes. Each shoe cannot exceed 
ten (10) ounces.
Weighted shoes and pads are prohibited. However, toe and/or side clips 
drawn from the
same shoe (an integral part of an otherwise flat saddle plate shoe 
which does not exceed
ten (10) ounces in weight) that in no way affects how a horse travels 
or breaks over are

The Fino-fino stallion that set my eye was Bochica Tres 
(http://www.pasobravo.com/bochist.htm) that I saw in many exhibitions 
and at Minter's ranch -- hard act to follow <g>.

Lynn Kinsky, Santa Ynez, CA

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