>>> I was referring to the palomino.  I can't find the video link now.  I 
>>> must have pressed delete.


He does have long toes, and pads I think - and he's not quite four.  Poor 
baby.    The poor Peruvian in the Feldman video had long toes and weighted 
boots too.  did you see the comments about him?  This one: 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEXbSiZRm0U&feature=related One comment was: 
"it isn't a monster and if you don't know anything about gaiting horses then 
be quiet... we all put those bell boots onto the feet because a) sometimes 
they walk their shoes off without them b) some need them to gait nicely and 
in a good rythm.  that is just for training and just look at all of those 
icelandic horses they've all got those boots on to so they lift their legs 
higher for better results!  excuse my english, I'm german "

Interesting that the commenter didn't make any denials about the boots being 
only "for protection".  And, really sad that she points out Icelandic's as 
the prime example of using boots for action.

Karen Thomas, NC

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