I need some tips on how to get a horse going forward in the long lines WITHOUT 
a helper leading.     

I've always had a 2nd person leading the horse initially, but don't have that 
luxury now in restarting a little pony mare we have here (non-Icelandic).   She 
is very confused and I don't know how to help her.   In her effort to be 
compliant, she does one of three things:  Stands stock still.   Backs up.   
Uncoils to one side or the other (like the unwinding game) and faces me.   If I 
try to prevent her from turning to face me, she simply starts backing.   The 
forward motion is elluding us and I know once she gets the idea she can move 
out, everything will fall into place.   But without a helper "crutch" at her 
head, I am at a loss as to how to get her going forward.


-- Renee M. in Michigan where it is FINALLY looking like Spring might be on its 

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