> But suppose a new person shows up on the list, as happens all the time.  How
> would they know when we say, "show style riding" that we aren't talking
> about western pleasure riding, or hunt-seat riding, low level dressage, or a
> more natural type of gaited horse showing?

I think that since we are a list focused on Icelandics, this would be
self explanatory and if there is confusion from some new folks then we
can clear it up - there is always a little confusion when someone
jumps in the middle of on going conversations - and this group is good
about clarifying
Laree in NC
Doppa & Mura
Simon, Sadie and Sam (the "S" gang)

"Yet when all the books have been read and reread, it boils down to
the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them." -
William Farley

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