On Apr 1, 2008, at 8:41 AM, Janice McDonald wrote:

> But places far north, or out west where the humidity is so much lower,
> places where the winters are way longer, well, we just have different
> critters.

And being 50 years of compulsive public health awareness later helps 
too.  I grew up in a poor immigrant neighborhood in Philadelphia, and I 
thought it was perfectly normal for the school nurse to examine us 
monthly for cooties (head lice), which I did catch from some unsavory 
little playmates . . .  And normal to have several children in class 
with shaved heads covered with a nylon stocking cap (ringworm).  We 
spent summers in the country where I learned about chiggers, and 
discovered that there wrere leeches in the creek we all swam in.  
Mostly we survived all that.

> Lynn Kinsky, Santa Ynez, CA

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