>>> I think the main difference is that bad small bales may cause respiratory 
>>> problems, coughing etc which is a real nuisance, but improperly baled large 
>>> bales can cause botulism, which is fatal.

That's not what I read last night when I went to review why I have such strong 
feelings against round bales.  Anyone who is interested in this topic might 
to go to www.thehorse.com and do a little research.   I find several mentions 
round bales as potential sources of problems, including being more commonly 
associated with heaves and COPD, even when the round bales are used in the 
pasture.   Again, not saying absolutely that they shouldn't be used - I'd leave 
that up to your local vet and Ag agents to advise you one -  but we should be 
very careful to read the risks and make an informed decision for our area.   
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Karen Thomas, NC

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