what about the lippizanner "airs above ground".  I bet i could try and
teach jaspar to do that for the next twenty years and he would just
stand there and gaze at me sardonically like "yeah right" yet I have
seen him do it at least three times when putting the whomp on a new
horse to show him he is herd leader out there.  He executed it

I agree the spanish walk is a contrived thing.  But so are a lot of
tricks, but its fun to teach tricks, I enjoy it.  I think some people
really enjoy riding trail, some enjoy competing in the show ring, and
I just love and enjoy the heck outa teaching new horses too young to
ride things.  and if you try and teach them something over and over
they get bored and you get bored.  I like to throw in a trick here and
there.  The jeffers photographers went gaga when stonewall stood on a
pedestal with a red straw cowboy hat in his mouth like a big goofy
dog.  Thats not a natural thing for a horse to do but he sure loves
it.  gets a big twinkle in his eye.  Now Jaspar, he does tricks like
plod plod, groannnnn ooookayyyy  i will doooo ittt t if you leave me
alone....  but some horses?  They love it.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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