On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  My stonewall wont do
> anything but trot in the field and saddlerack when I ride him, and he
> did a stepping pace when my husband rode him  was it the saddle? The
> extra weight?  The way he sits?  My fox will saddlerack head high if
> nervous, and when he relaxes his head comes down, he begins to nod and
> running walk.  nasi does this weird little skippy fox trot everywhere
> and canter.  he loves to canter everywhere he goes. Traveller foxtrots
> under saddle and in the field does some kinda shuffling low to the
> ground smooth thing thats really pretty, have no idea what it is.
> tivar canters and gallops and saunters in the field, trots and
> flatwalks under saddle.
> Janice

Do you ask for gait the same way with all your horses?

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