>>>> Geldings do tend to need to play...much more so than the mares.  At 
>>>> least in my little herd..  But then I've never raised a filly....only 
>>>> boys..

I think when they are very young, they play close to equally hard, at least 
up until they are about six months to a year.  Then, the boys continue to 
play, as the girls minds move onto grownup and sedate activities.   And, I 
never noticed the huge disparity in playing between genders until I got 
Icelandic's.  Probably geldings/stallions are slightly more playful in all 
breeds, but honestly, I think, in general, Icelandic geldings are the most 
playful of any subgroup of horses I've ever encountered...except for Buck, 
the mini-mule!

Karen Thomas, NC

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