Hi Karen,
>>>Virginia, sometimes I think the people who make up these gender rules 
haven't had many animals.  

It is interesting some of the 'rules' or beliefs that people have.  I guess
they are based on someone's experience but I think so much is about the
rules you make and what you expect.  The idea that the 'alpha' dog has to
eat first is IME a human thing.  We have 5 dogs living here right now and
Christine's dog Benson is here everyday.  The dogs are very polite around
feeding time and it changes who gets fed first as to what is convenient.

I also have several friends who free feed their dogs kibble and they have
bowl and the dogs just take turns.  There is no quarreling, they just share.
I have also been in shelters where dogs live in groups of 5-10 and they have
a couple of big buckets that always have food in them and the dogs don't
fight at all.  So like most everything, it depends....

Robyn Hood


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