More about why we choose not to use "icelandic" saddles:

Jineta and brida style riding and saddles:

Jineta saddles and jineta style riding is balanced riding where the saddle 
has stirrups more centered, which allows for the rider to be balanced and in 
alignment from shoulder, hip, heel. "The jineta saddle promotes loin coiling 
in the horse, ensuring his comfort and mobility including that of his 
rider." (Quote from the Conquerors.)

Brida saddles and brida style riding is heavy to the rear, feet forward, 
riding the horse's face. "Brida" is short for "riding from the hand". "The 
rider's weight pressing down on the tabs crushed the horse's loins, ensuring 
that he maintain a hollow back, a high head position, and often, a forced 
ambling gait." (Quote from the Conquerors.)

Icelandic saddles are brida style. This is not necessarily a good thing for 
the horse. We should be looking to use balanced saddles on our Icelandic 


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