On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 10:39 AM, Wanda Lauscher
> I was finally able to deworm last night, so maybe that will kick start
> the rest to start shedding properly.

I wormed (Panacur) Gat and Orri last night too.  This was the first
time I ever wormed a horse--I looked up 'how-to' on the internet (ie
how to hold the head, where to put the syringe, etc) and because I
didn't know if the horses would fight me about it I was worried.  As
it turned out they seemed to like it!  Orri couldn't wait for his
turn.  Probably the flavouring.

So--now that they're wormed I'm set for another 2 months and then
which wormer would I use?

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