On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have ridden with a horse that survived EPM.  One cheek was way sunk
> in.  The owner said the oly time it affected him was he had trouble
> going up or down steep hills, I cant remember which, that he had to
> take it real slow on hills.
> Janice
>Janice,  Magic has the left hind area sunk in.  As far as riding him, he seems
just fine so far.  I was supposed to trailer him up 40 minles north of
me to meet
the vet and have her draw the blood for the EPM test today, but last night I had
a message on my phone that she would have to cancel because of a death in
the family and wouldn't be available until next week...  I'll be glad
to get over
the wondering and waiting...

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