>>> So--they've been home a few weeks now and I'm wondering if Orri is now 
>>> ready to test the waters.

Horses will always fascinate me, no matter how many I meet and how long I 
have them in my life.  Every time you change their surroundings, they seem 
to change a bit.   He was probably just feeling good, happy to have his 
pasture, and not ready to give up the grass to come in.   Still, we can't 
say often enough how important it is to let horses a little time to settle 
into a new home.  Orri brought his best gal, Gat, with him, and he didn't 
change owners, so this wasn't like he was sold, and moved to a new place 
alone.  But, even so, it's a change.  I'm sure it will settle out soon, but 
your subject line is appropriate - it is an interesting change of behavior.

Aren't you enjoying getting to see all these little character details right 
in your own yard?  :)

Karen Thomas, NC

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