Orri is like Teev, he is outspoken.  My Jas, and now Trausti are the
opposite.  and when Jas acts bad its very very subtle.  but I know him
so well I see it and most of the time it actually tickles me cause he
thinks he is acting soooo bad and its so nothing compared to most
horses.  But one thing he does, if there is some grass or he is
enjoying the turnout, and I go get him, he will see me coming and turn
and stride away, tail swishing for about ten yards,  then stop.  Tail
swishing.  and wait for me to come halter him :)  Then he does
whatever i need him to do and he does it well :)  He can bow too.  So
I guess you could say he is a fat circus pony too except he is a long
legged walking horse :)  but qwhen he strides away and tail switches
sometimes i say "oh stop stopppp you're killing me" haha
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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