
Regarding some thoughts on the Sensation demo ...  The English Trail model
has the flaps set a smidge further forward  & the pommel is not so deep
allowing the stirrups to be placed forward as well which eases the strain on
the hips for some.  You can special order the Hybrid with an English Trail
flap at no extra charge, but be aware that some people find that the Hybrid
feels slightly wider in the twist than the English models.   Because of your
special needs, you may feel the width more acutely & need to try a few ideas
to make it comfy.  If your dealer does not have a Hybrid with english trail
flap available to try,  I have one in my stable of demos.  A good percentage
of my customers are "princess & the pea" types  or people with special
needs, so I  special order  a Skito pad I designed with narrower foam
inserts & cut up under the leg with custom tapered edges for those sensitive
rider's who need  more hip relief comfort.   It is the same price as any
Skito pad, just my proprietary design.   Also try shortening your stirrups a
bit  as this also provides some "twist relief".  Sensation also has a
special bolster called a twist narrowing bolster that works for some.

Remember to use an english hunt style breast plate for safety's sake &
better lateral stability.  You may never need it, but it never hurts to take
the extra prcaution.

Feel frre to call me (805)688-2503 if you have any questions unique to your


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