Mau nanya dong, Les, pernah nyoba CrossBreeder ga?

*[MOD] CrossBreeder - 6.30.13

Gwe kebiasaan pake si crossbreeder ini soalnya, dan crossbreeder ini
support froyo, maklum, si Sidekick mentok di froyo, hehe.

Kira2 mendingan mana sama si Fly-On Mod?

ini gwe copas descriptionnya buat yang males mencet link :
*tapi tetep harus kesana klo mau download :))

*What is CrossBreeder?*
> *This is a new take at improving Android and reducing GUI lag*.
> It's lightweight and won't consume battery. Users have reported drastic
> improvements in usability and battery life. It will show noticeable
> improvements.
> All you need to try it is custom recovery. It is for all Android devices.
> ( not x86 ones ).
> *This is a combination of 5 different key methodologies to improve the
> Android experience: *
> 1. It's a big new feature, *DNS caching, parallelising and tether boost *.
> A lot of the lag in a lot of apps, apart from the GUI lag, is due to slow
> DNS querying, specially on the mobile network.
> CrossBreeder now runs a *caching, parallelising DNS client* on the
> device. So now most of your DNS queries will be served from the cache and
> if not found, the query will be sent in *in parallel to multiple DNS
> servers including the two Google DNS servers, the two L3 DNS servers and
> your two ISP servers *and the quickest reply will be served to you, hot
> and transparently. You can read the rationale for this approach -
> This speeds up network access and networked apps, like Browsers of course,
> and Tapatalk, Gmail and thousands of others drastically. And removes a lot
> of the lag where it was due to DNS querying. This will not increase your
> network or download speed but pages will load much faster.
> This will future proof your devices as more and more apps start using
> HTML5 and/or reside completely as web pages or the like.
> CrossBreeder *boosts your tethering connection*. Client devices to your
> device will take advantage of the new DNS. Hence their usage is also
> improved! In many cases this update might even fix a broken tethering
> feature on your phone. So if your ROM doesn't have a working tethering
> support, you an try and install this update. It might magically start
> working!
> CrossBreeder *blocks ads and spyware* in an efficient manner by blocking
> access to the host. It does this using a static block list of known ad
> sites and behaving as an authoritative DNS server for these sites and
> redirecting them to a dummy address. CrossBreeder runs a simple web server
> serving empty images and pages, so ads completely disappear instead of
> showing an ugly Page/Image Not found error.
> You can update this block list from an external specialised tool like
> Adaway if you need.
> CrossBreeder now includes the *bypass censor* functionality. This allows
> you to circumvent DNS based censors as used by most authoritarian
> countries. This basically works by bypassing your ISP's DNS servers and
> querying the 2 Google DNS servers and 2 L3 DNS servers only. These are
> usually faster anyway, more so due to the caching and parallelizing nature
> of the query. Thus if your ISP is blocking websites without telling you,
> you have a way out if this. You can enable it using the following command:
> su -c "/system/etc/CrossBreeder/ENABLE_BYPASS_ISP"
> and rebooting. You can read this for some more info (
>  )
> You can also choose your custom DNS servers by updating the
> /etc/CrossBreeder/REMOTE_DNS file with each custom DNS server in a separate
> line.
> NOTE: CrossBreeder DNS (Boost/Adblock/Censor Bypass) will not work (as in
> it won't be used ) if your ISP APN contains an entry for a proxy server. Do
> edit the APN and remove the proxy entry and see if you can browse fine.
> That will allow CrossBreeder DNS to work.
> CrossBreeder also renames any existing /etc/hosts file on your device.
> Testing has proven that keeping a system wide /etc/hosts file as is used by
> most other Ad blocking software actually slows down your system. So it is
> recommended to use this method instead. Check this out for the
> demonstration of the slowdown and how to test it yourself -
> In order to achieve all this DNS related functionality, CrossBreeder
> relies on the excellent open source utilities - *DNRD* and *Dnsmasq*
> 2. *Modulate OS entropy levels *for lag reduction ala Seeder. The whole
> OS reads either /dev/random or /dev/urandom and both need entropy. However
> this mod uses a completely different, lightweight and efficient random
> number generator called *Havege *. This sharply reduces cpu consumption
> and corresponding battery life loss compared to Seeder. It also does a
> better job at keeping entropy levels high hence your device is more
> responsive. It doesn't run in a CPU intensive loop either. The extend queue
> functionality has also been added to CrossBreeder. See here for another
> rationale favouring Havege compared to Rngd - (
> - Look for the limitations.)
> 3. *Change kernel parameters* specially the wakeup threshold ones so read
> blocks are released instantly and writes never wake up as we have an
> external entropy generator. And a host of other fail safe and working
> tweaks from the community for each key subsystem. ( one can look inside
> /etc/CrossBreeder/zzCrossBreeder ).
> 4. *Remove /dev/random as it's blocking* . Link it to non-blocking
> /dev/urandom. Since /dev/random is blocking and designed to protect us from
> Quantum alien cryptographers with mathematical certainty and urandom is non
> blocking pseudo-random device that most apps and OSs are using anyway and
> with Haveged running, is as secure anyway as it's very difficult to empty
> the entropy pool faster than Havege can replenish it. Pre ICS devices have
> a lot to gain with this but ICS+ devices show visible gains too.
> 5. *Frandom support (Optional) *- CrossBreeder now supports linking both
> your random devices to the extremely fast alternative - Frandom (
> ). This module is orders of magnitude
> (10-50 times) faster than the standard character devices ( Check this out -
>  ).
> The erandom character device also installed by Frandom doesn't use up
> system entropy at all on top of being fast. You will need to ask your ROM
> developer to develop the kernel module for you and then place it in
> /system/lib/modules. CrossBreeder will then try and load it and if
> successful, make all the necessary adjustments so that both /dev/random and
> /dev/urandom are pointing to /dev/frandom and /dev/erandom respectively.
> The speed benefits are to be seen to be believed. But since each ROM
> requires a unique kernel module, this option is left optional ( but auto
> detect ). Advanced users can even try and load the frandom module built for
> other kernels if they don't have one readily available for their own kernel
> version using the Punchmod utility. Read this:


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2013/7/1 Lesjaw™ ♂ <>

> Gays.. wti.. Fly On Mod update ke versi 4.0..
> Download disini
> Langsung flash lewat CWM atau TWRP.. tiban aja versi 3.0 nya
> On Jun 29, 2013 12:53 PM, "Lesjaw™ ♂" <> wrote:
>> Halo gays..
>> Lesjaw back again! *eaaa..
>> Menindaklanjuti tulisan saya sebelumnya yg sudah saya share disini, saya
>> pun melakukan oprek lanjutan dengan melakukan berbagai percobaan tweak yg
>> bertebaran di xda developer..
>> Hasil akhirnya saya cukup puas setelah mendapatkan tweak yg tepat, tweak
>> ini bisa di terapkan di handset android apapun, buat rekan yg kurang puas
>> dengan performa androidnya, silahkan menuju tkp dibawah ini :
>> Speed up your Android with fly on | bukakotak -
>> Buat yg kurang sreg dengan cara saya berbagi please ignore this thread,
>> thanks.. i really appreciate it..
>> Untuk selanjutnya, mari kita diskusi disini untuk segala permasalahan yg
>> timbul dari implementsi tweak tersebut..
>> Peace, Love and Gaul... :-)
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